Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Christmas tree decorating

This picture was taken by Tante Ruth.
These are her darling girls, wearing beautiful Christmas dresses made by Tante Georgia.
There are many talented Mamans out there in Bleuette Land!
Zoe and I are putting this picture here so that our own Maman won't forget to save her dolly dollars for new dresses just like these, made by Tante Georgia.
Maman has been eyeing them all year, and so have we.
Maman can crochet, but not like this.
Aren't Tante Ruth's girls pretty?
Love from Yvette Marie and Zoe


yuis said...

Such lovely dresses on such pretty little girls!

GardenOfDaisies said...

The crocheted pinafore is absolutely gorgeous!!!

My older sister collects dolls, and I went with her to a doll convention a couple of years ago. It was a lot of fun. But my passion is still the paper dolls.