I think it's time to tell you all about our favourite websites about Bleuette. Some are also about dolls or sewing but mostly about us of course.
First there's our favourite from Tante Martha:
Then there's the House of Missy Mouse where Tante Melissa makes such nice things. Maman doesn't know how she does it!
Then we can't forget the Bleu Door which is my favourite of all.
This place is a pattern heaven and best of all the patterns are free!
You just need to know French is all.
Deb's Dollies has a funny story about a headless Bleuette.
I think I'll stop now. I'm going to go and read about Deb's Dollies now. I didn't see that one before. It looks fun!
See you tomorrow!
Yvette Marie xoxo
ThierrySucette here,YvetteMarie! Oh I am so impressed with Zoe sewing! Maybe if I can learn to sew and get some of my cousins to help we can get Maman up to speed. I can not imagine Maman in a race involving sewing.....
We looked at the websites! Oh enchanting! I am helping Maman choose some really simple looking patterns. She can not sew yet, but at least she has some understanding of French! She does crochet & knit which is a mercy.
You and Zoe are inspiring! Merci bien for letting me be your pen pal!
Hugs from ThierrySucette
I know how to sew a bit...hmmm...I wonder if I can find that website by myself and cut out dresses and sew them while Maman sleeps at night...kinda like the shoemake and the elves story Maman once read to me....but I wonder if those big huge white animals will eat me up while I am sewing...they have such big sharp teeth and I am kind of cookie size to them..
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